Prayer Request

Dear brothers and sisters, church life is an integral part of any Christian’s life. In the Church we have the opportunity to turn from our sins in the Sacrament of Confession and unite with our Lord Jesus Christ in the Sacrament of Communion. But there are situations when it is temporarily not possible to come to the temple and participate in joint prayer. In these situations, in our temple you can submit a prayer request. Wherever you are, you can submit a prayer request, from any country.

The Orthodox prayer for the Living and Departed has several basic meanings.

  • Firstly, this is a request to God for eternal and temporal earthly blessings.
  • Secondly, this is our liturgical sacrifice (when during the proskomedia, particles are taken out for a person and requests for the Living and Departed are read)
  • And thirdly, this is a temple sacrifice, which is expressed in a feasible donation for the needs of the temple.

How to submit a prayer request to the church for the Departed?

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First of all, it is important to understand that a prayer request is a desire for joint prayer for our dearest and nearest, and not an automatic transfer of prayer to the hands of priests. Each divine service is filled with prayers that we offer to God who loves us for the people we remember, and these requests cannot be a mere formality. Commemoration for the Departed takes place at different services and at different times. It can be Liturgy and Proskomedia, Panikhida, Lithia.Panikhida in our church , as a rule, is served on special days of remembrance of the departed (on Radonitsa and Parents’ Saturdays), and Lithia can be performed after the morning or evening service. These services can be viewed in the Service schedule of our Temple. The Liturgy is served in our church every morning, so the commemorations for the Liturgy and Proskomidia will be read the next morning. Forty days’ prayers for the departed mean 40 days of reading the names at the Liturgy and during the Proskomidia, when particles are taken out for the living and the dead. A prayer request for the departed contains baptismal names of Orthodox Christians. You can submit a prayer request online using the form on this website.

What is the difference between a proskomedia and a memorial service and is it possible to order a memorial service online?

Proskomidia and Panikhida take place during two different services, both of which commemorate the dead. Proskomedia precedes the Liturgy, when the particles are taken for the souls of the living and the dead, and then they are lowered into the cup with the Blood of Our Lord Jesus Christ. At this time, only members of the Church, that is, Orthodox Christians, are commemorated, since this action makes sense only for those who confess the saving sacrifice of Christ in the Orthodox sense. During the Panikhida and Litiya, we also read prayers for the dead, asking God to forgive their sins and give rest (grant peace) to the souls. Here you can specify all people, regardless of their religion. You can order a memorial service in our church with submitting a prayer request online according to the service schedule.

How to submit a prayer request for the Living?

You can submit a prayer request through this website. In our church we accept prayer requests for Liturgy, Proskomedia and Akathist to St. Nicholas of Japan. It is also possible to order Forty days’ prayers for the living online. Please, remember that for commemoration at the Liturgy, Proskomidia (including Forty days’ prayers) only baptismal names of Orthodox Christians are submitted, since the Liturgy is a concentration of meanings that are close only to a Christian who professes the Orthodox faith.

When submitting a prayer request for the living to the Akathist to St. Nicholas of Japan, in order to understand when it will be read, please check the current service schedule.A prayer request should contain baptismal names of Orthodox Christians.

    Select a prayer request type

    LiturgyProskomediaForty days' prayersAkathist to St. Nicholas of JapanPanikhidaLithia

    Select: prayer for the Living or the Departed

    Prayer request for the Living

    Please enter the first name only (for Liturgy, Proskomidia, Forty days' prayers - baptismal names, for Panikhida, Litiya you can submit the names of people, regardless of their religion), one name per line.

    After that please press the button *Submit a prayer request for the living*, and after that choose a convenient way to make a donation from the ones below.

    If necessary, enter the date the prayer request is for.

    Specify the amount of your voluntary donation for your prayer request*

    Prayer request for the Departed

    Please enter the first name only (for Liturgy, Proskomidia, Forty days' prayers - baptismal names, for Panikhida, Litiya you can submit the names of people, regardless of their religion), one name per line. After that please press the button *Submit a prayer request for the departed*, and after that choose a convenient way to make a donation from the ones below.

    If necessary, enter the date the prayer request is for.

    Specify the amount of your voluntary donation for your prayer request*

    To make a donation to our temple, choose a convenient way for you: